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Increasing Capacity at the Michelson Wastewater Treatment Plant

Tetra Tech used our wastewater expertise to increase the amount of recycled water available at the Michelson Water Reclamation Plant in Irvine, California, by 10 million gallons per day.

The droughts in California created a huge demand for recycled water. Tetra Tech worked with our long-term client, the Irvine Ranch Water District, to expand the Michelson Wastewater Treatment Plant. This expansion uses technologies, including membrane bioreactors and ultraviolet light disinfection facilities, to increase the plant’s water production from 18 to 28 million gallons per day.

Throughout California there’s a large amount of recycling plants. Almost all the cities and communities have gone to water recycling. This is nearly an unlimited supply of water that we have and can cost-effectively give back to the community.

Steve Tedesco, senior project manager

The recycled water serves communities throughout Orange County in California, for irrigation and business purposes. The client trusted that our team could deliver the complex solution they needed and were pleased to work with us on this large-scale project.

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Gadise Murat​

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Donec in lacus et lorem lobortis vehicula. Fusce quis pulvinar lorem, ut sodales nulla. Suspendisse tincidunt turpis turpis, quis ultricies nunc pretium tempor. Integer at tortor semper, feugiat enim at, tristique augue. Vestibulum at vestibulum nisi, et tincidunt augue. Nulla commodo convallis quam, ut porta augue ultrices laoreet.